Ubumenyi busangiwe bugira agaciro,inkuru nyinshi z'uru rubuga ziba zaraciye k'umuseke.com

Ubumenyi busangiwe bugira agaciro,inkuru nyinshi z'uru rubuga ziba zaraciye k'umuseke.com

samedi 30 juin 2012

HIV/AIDs 30% in Kabarole district Secondary schools

UGANDA-HIV/AIDs high in Kabarole district Secondary schools

Joshua Kagaba, Kabarole district secretary for Health and Education

The Kabarole district secretary for health and education Joshua Kagaba has said that the HIV prevalence among secondary schools in Kabarole district currently stands at 30%.

Kagaba told the New Vision on Thursday morning that a study by the district with the help of other Non-Governmental Organization shows that of every 1000 students at least over 250 are HIV positive.

He however blames the increase to the parent’s negligence of their duties in the upbringing of an African child.

“Parents no longer perform their duties as heads of families where these children stay” said Kagaba. “They spend less time with them and have not bothered to advice or monitor the dressing code and movements of their children outside home” he added.

Kagaba stated that the prevalence is much higher among the female students a move he attributed to cross generational sex.

“The graph shows that the HIV is acquired from adult men that are above 40 years of age whereas most of the male students were born with it” Kagaba stated.

The district is now encouraging school heads to lobby for free HIV/AIDS testing and counseling in their schools to identify the affected students.

“We are encouraging formation of HIV clubs in all schools to identify, counsel and guild the students but let it (club) be given a selling name e.g. SAVING LIVES so that it can attract many students and to avoid stigma” Kagaba explained.

Speaking to the New Vision on phone Dr Hauser Mpugga the Kabarole district AIDs focal person said that his office has now embarked on a sensitization exercise that is to roll down to all schools in the district. “We want to avoid new infections by using the ABC control strategy” said Dr Mpugga.

SOURCE: newvision

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