Ubumenyi busangiwe bugira agaciro,inkuru nyinshi z'uru rubuga ziba zaraciye k'umuseke.com

Ubumenyi busangiwe bugira agaciro,inkuru nyinshi z'uru rubuga ziba zaraciye k'umuseke.com

jeudi 2 août 2012

Government Alerts Public on Spread of Ebola Virus in neighbouring country

Following reported outbreak of the deadly Ebola hemorrhagic fever in neighboring Uganda, the Government of Rwanda has put in place stringent measures that will ensure the safety of Rwandan from this deadly virus. Over the weekend, Uganda’s Ministry of Health and WHO confirmed an outbreak of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Kibale district in Western Uganda near the border with Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Twenty people have been affected so far and 14 people have died as of 29th/07/2012. Kibale district is approximately 300 Km from the Rwandan border and specifically the districts of Musanze, Nyagatare, Gicumbi and Burera.  Due to high traffic and population movements, there is risk that Ebola can be imported to Rwanda at any time.

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a highly contagious disease transmitted from person to person and characterised by fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, sore throat, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pains and bleeding from all orifices. Though no case has been reported in Rwanda for the 15 years, government has put in place measures aimed at protecting Rwandans from this deadly disease but is also cautioning Rwandans to remain vigilant and report any suspected cases immediately.

Ministry of Health in collaboration with its partners and through the emergency preparedness team is taking actions for preparedness and response to prevent potential health risks that might be caused by the deadly disease. Specifically, the Ministry of Health has issued alert warnings to all health centres on how to detect and handle cases should they arise.

The Ministry is also training health care providers especially in districts neighbouring Uganda on case management and preventive measures. In addition, all the necessary kit and medical supplies needed have been assembled and dispatched to health facilities in the bordering districts.

                    What is required from the public 
  • To immediately seek medical attention at the nearest health facility in case of suspicion of Ebola
  • Any person who visited Uganda  and had contact with someone presenting signs and symptoms of Ebola should  immediately inform  the nearest health facility 
Current situation 

No cases of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever have so far been reported in Rwanda. The Ministry of Health has elaborated plans to effectively respond should the disease occur within our borders. We request public to stay calm and continue business as usual.

source: moh.gov.rw

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