Ubumenyi busangiwe bugira agaciro,inkuru nyinshi z'uru rubuga ziba zaraciye k'umuseke.com

Ubumenyi busangiwe bugira agaciro,inkuru nyinshi z'uru rubuga ziba zaraciye k'umuseke.com

samedi 24 mars 2012

Evidence needed before redefining severe forms of drug-resistant tuberculosis

23 March 2012 -- Reports of tuberculosis (TB) cases with severe patterns of drug resistance are increasing, said experts who attended a WHO meeting in Geneva on 21-22 March. Participants stressed that the emergence of drug resistance should be a wake-up call for Ministries of Health. Greater efforts are needed to prevent drug resistance and avoid a scenario where TB becomes incurable

please download the new policy of treatment of TB at :http://whqlibdoc.who.int/publications/2012/9789241503006_eng.pdf

source: WHO

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