Population & Medical Personnel
- Total population: 10,412,820 millions
- Per Capita GNI:US $367.73(NISR 2007)
- Doctors: 1/18,000 inhabitants
- Nurses: 1/1,476 inhabitants
- 62.8% of Nurses in rural areas(2008)and 78% (2010)
- 38.2% of Nurses in Urban areas(2008)and 22% 2010
Infant and Maternal Mortality
- Infant mortality: 50/1000 (Interim DHS 2010)
- Under 5 Mortality: 76/1000 (Interim DHS 2010)
- Maternal mortality: 383/ 100,000 (Estimation, 2009)
- Assisted deliveries:62% (HMIS 2009),55% HMIS 2010
HIV/AIDS and other epidemics
- HIV prevalence: 3% (DHS+2005)
- TB (2007): 8,014 cases in the country
- 60% of HIV patients are diagnosed with TB
- Malaria admission cases in hospitals 36.8% (PNLP/MoH 2006,3.5% 2010
- Children U5 sleeping under LLIN:60%(MIS 2007)
- Malaria prevelance in children U5:2.4%(MIS 2007)
Number of ARV sites:295 (TRACNet/MoH 2009)
Number of VCT sites:419(TRACNet/MoH 2009)
- Number of PMTCT sites:382(TRACNet/MoH 2009)
- Adults on ARVs 75.930 (TRAC/MoH 2009)
- Children on ARVs 7.111 (TRAC/MoH 2009)
TB annual Risk 2% (WHO)2007
Number of TB cases:8014(HMIS PNILT 2007)
- TB patients who are HIV positive: 89%.PNILT 2007
Family Planning
- Contraceptive prevalence: 36% (IDHS 2007/2008)
Use of Modern Contraception Methods:
-DHS 2000 = 4%
-DHS 2005 = 10%-IDHS 2007/2008=27%
Other Health Indicators
- Under 5 years severe malnutrition: 19.4% (IDHS, 2005)
- Per capita utilisation of Health facilities : 70%(HMIS 2007), 83 Visit person/year
Life expectancy at birth 52.73 (UNDP 2007)
Rate of Enrollment in Community Based Health Insurance ( Mutuelle de Sante)
-2010=91.036 %
corneille K.Ntihabose
-2010=91.036 %
corneille K.Ntihabose
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